
What is Social-Emotional Learning? 2024 Teacher Tips and Tricks

November 19, 2023

Social-emotional learning (SEL) is essential for students' overall growth and success, but what exactly is it? And as a teacher in 2024, what are the most effective SEL strategies and trends you should know about? This article has all the details.

What is Social-Emotional Learning?

Social-emotional learning is broadly defined as the process through which children and adults acquire and apply the knowledge, skills, and attitudes to develop healthy identities, manage emotions, achieve personal and collective goals, feel and show empathy for others, establish and maintain supportive relationships, and make responsible and caring decisions.

In simpler terms, SEL teaches students vital life skills related to understanding and managing emotions, setting goals, establishing relationships, and making responsible choices. These help students succeed academically and throughout their lives.

Research shows that SEL can have significant benefits when effectively implemented in schools, including:

  • Improved academic performance

  • Better classroom behavior

  • Increased ability to manage stress and depression

  • Reduced disciplinary issues

  • Higher graduation rates

  • Enhanced preparation for future careers

Why is SEL Important?

You already juggle so much as an educator. With crowded curriculums, why dedicate time specifically to SEL?

Here are some key reasons experts emphasize the importance of purposeful SEL instruction:

Promotes Whole Child Development

SEL helps children develop emotionally, ethically, socially, and cognitively. By teaching more than just academic content, SEL supports the whole child.

Teaches Essential Life Skills

The social-emotional competencies students gain equip them with practical skills for everyday situations. These serve students well now and as adults.

Lays the Foundation for Learning

SEL fosters cognitive, emotional, and social skills kids need to fully engage in learning. Students with strong social-emotional skills are better learners.

Reduces Problem Behaviors

Students with SEL competencies are less likely to engage in disruptive classroom behaviors or activities like bullying and fighting.

Improves Academic Performance

SEL helps create learning environments where students thrive. Research consistently shows SEL boosts academic achievement.

Supports Overall Wellbeing

By learning to manage emotions, resolve conflicts, and make responsible choices, SEL helps promote positive mental health in students.

Readies Students for Career Success

SEL teaches the people skills coveted by employers. Proficiency in areas like relationship-building and responsible decision-making prepares students for workplace success.

SEL Frameworks and Competencies

Several leading organizations have developed frameworks outlining core SEL competencies. These provide helpful guides as you target specific skills.

CASEL Competencies

The Collaborative for Academic, Social, and Emotional Learning (CASEL) identifies five interrelated SEL competency domains:

  • Self-awareness: Recognizing emotions, personal interests, values, and strengths/limits

  • Self-management: Managing emotions and behaviors to achieve goals

  • Social awareness: Understanding perspectives of and empathizing with others

  • Relationship skills: Establishing and maintaining healthy relationships

  • Responsible decision-making: Making ethical, constructive choices about behavior

OECD Competencies

The Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) uses a shortlist of global competencies it considers essential for students to thrive. Two specifically target social-emotional development:

  • Social and emotional skills: Managing emotions, achieving goals, developing empathy, establishing relationships

  • Responsibility: Making ethical and sustainable decisions, taking ownership

Top SEL Strategies and Trends for 2024

Advances in research and technology are expanding SEL opportunities. As an educator, you get to be on the leading edge incorporating fresh trends!

Here are top techniques and approaches expected to shape SEL in 2024:

Incorporate SEL Across Subjects

Rather than teaching SEL skills directly through periodic lessons, integrate skill-building throughout diverse subjects. This shows students how SEL applies in academics and life. For example, when covering civil rights leaders in history, discuss responsible decision-making in times of injustice. Weave empathy into literature analyses by examining characters' perspectives. Use word problems in math focused on achieving personal goals. Show students the relevance of SEL competencies to various disciplines.

Leverage Technology

Digital games, apps, mindfulness programs, and online social skill-building tools abound, providing engaging ways for students to learn SEL skills. For instance, apps like GoNoodle and STOP, BREATHE & THINK guide students through movement and meditation to develop self-awareness and self-management. Leverage tech to bring interactive SEL opportunities into your classroom.

Promote SEL Schoolwide

More schools are adopting schoolwide SEL initiatives, embedding SEL into their cultures. This unifies students and staff around common language and practices. Develop shared visions and behavioral expectations, train staff in SEL best practices, and create community partnerships advancing SEL. Consistent exposure across classrooms and environments boosts SEL skill-building.

Cultivate SEL at Home

Partnering with families extends SEL beyond school walls. Share SEL information and tips during conferences and on communication platforms. Offer parent workshops on fostering skills like responsible decision-making at home. Send SEL activity ideas families can do together. Collaborating with caregivers lets you unite forces cultivating students' social-emotional growth.

Measure Growth

Assess students' SEL abilities at the beginning and end of the school year using questionnaires, rubrics, or tools like the Holistic Student Assessment. Track progress monitoring student growth over time. Evaluation allows you to pinpoint areas needing improvement and showcase SEL successes!

Prioritize Teacher SEL

Teacher wellbeing influences classroom climate and student outcomes. Make time for your own SEL growth through practicing self-care, reflecting on social awareness, building relationships with colleagues, and making responsible decisions. Model the SEL skills you teach!

SEL Activities and Lessons

Ready to start actively fostering students' social-emotional competencies? These 2024-approved activities build key skills:

Morning Share Circles

Begin each day gathered in a circle for students to share stories, emotions, goals, appreciations, or struggles. Listening and sharing build community, self-awareness, social awareness, and relationship skills.

Self-Reflection Journals

Have students maintain weekly journals where they process emotions, record progress toward goals, identify strengths/areas for improvement, list acts of kindness, or note conflicts needing resolution. These build self-awareness and responsible decision-making.


Roleplays allow students to practice interpersonal skills in low-stakes environments. Assign roles involving disagreements, peer pressure, conflict mediation, or empathy. Roleplaying exercises social awareness, relationship abilities, and responsible choices.

Growth Mindset Affirmations

Write personalized affirmations related to developing a growth mindset, like “I get smarter every time I learn from my mistakes.” Have students repeat these aloud together or individually. Affirmations foster self-awareness and self-management.

SEL Games

Play fun cooperative games like Charades, Heads Up!, and SEL Memory Match. These build relationship skills, social awareness, responsible decision-making, and more while engaging students.

Goal-Setting Conferences

Meet one-on-one with each student to discuss progress toward goals and identify strengths and growth areas. Collaboratively set new goals. Conferences cultivate self-awareness, self-management, and relationship skills.

SEL Assessment Ideas

Measuring student social-emotional growth allows you to track your SEL program’s impact and make data-driven decisions about needed improvements.

Here are assessment strategies to try:


Ask students to complete simple surveys rating their perceived social-emotional abilities, like managing emotions or resolving conflicts. Compare beginning and end-of-year responses.


Use rubrics detailing criteria for social-emotional competencies when evaluating student behaviors and work. Look for progress toward rubric goals.

Student Self-Evaluations

Have students gauge their own social-emotional strengths and growth areas. Self-evaluation builds self-awareness and lets students track their own development.

Teacher Observations

Record anecdotal notes about displayed SEL skills during work sessions and free periods. Observation offers authentic evidence of applied competencies.


Collect student work samples demonstrating SEL abilities, like journal entries about emotions, written accounts of responsible decision-making, goal sheets, or conflict mediation notes. Portfolios become records of skill progression.

SEL Skill Demonstrations

Occasionally, have students act out scenarios applying SEL skills. Showcasing relationship abilities, responsible decision-making, empathy, and emotion management allows assessment of competencies.

SEL Tips and Tricks

Implementing SEL effectively boils down to some key best practices. Keep these tips in mind:

Be Consistent

Embed SEL into regular routines and responses so skills-building becomes natural for students. For instance, reference emotional vocabulary when discussing student experiences daily.

Be Creative

Move beyond basic emotion identification and scripted scenarios into imaginative lessons and activities making SEL exploration engaging. Have students design skits or songs incorporating SEL skills.

Be Culturally Responsive

Ensure SEL instruction reflects and draws on diversity within your classroom. Adapt lessons addressing cultural backgrounds represented by students. Emphasize respect and inclusiveness.

Be Patient

Social and emotional skill development unfolds gradually, requiring ongoing nurturing and practice. Allow time for student competencies to unfold.

Be Positive

Meet all social-emotional milestones, big or small, with enthusiastic reinforcement. Celebrate each student’s progress.

Be a Model

Consciously demonstrate SEL skills yourself, like managing frustration, resolving conflicts respectfully with colleagues, and setting a positive tone. Actions speak louder than words.

SEL Program Implementation Guide

Excited to launch a full-fledged SEL initiative but not sure where to start? Follow this step-by-step guide:

Get Leadership Buy-In

Present research on SEL benefits to administrators to get their commitment and support. Elicit ideas for schoolwide integration.

Assess Needs

Take stock of current realities before designing your program. Survey students, staff, and families gauging SEL perceptions, strengths, weaknesses, and goals. Review behavioral data like referral and suspension rates as well. This helps you tailor SEL plans addressing specific needs.

Map Out Competencies

Determine which social-emotional competencies you will target and what positive outcomes cultivating these skills will achieve. Reference SEL frameworks to guide competency selection.

Develop Implementation Plan

Outline your SEL rollout sequence, including training schedules, lesson plans, activities, assessments, and community partnerships. Identify required resources and supports.

Provide Professional Development

To foster staff-wide commitment and capabilities, provide in-depth SEL training through workshops, modeling, and coaching. Ensure teachers are well-versed in SEL principles and equipped to embed skills-building during instruction.

Integrate Schoolwide

With leadership backing, consistent messaging, and ongoing PD, deliberately infuse SEL into all aspects of your school’s functioning, from the classroom to the cafeteria to the playground to the front office. Saturating the environment builds students' social-emotional muscles.

Engage Families

Get caregivers on board reinforcing SEL at home through family events, informational materials, and activity suggestions. Coordinate efforts.

Evaluate and Improve

Collect data tracking gains in student behavior and competencies as well as areas needing better support. Refine approaches accordingly. Continual enhancement ensures your SEL program remains relevant and impactful.


Social-emotional learning is an integral part of educating the whole child. By teaching students skills like self-awareness, self-management, social awareness, relationship building, and responsible decision-making, SEL helps them thrive academically and throughout their lives. With strong leadership support, staff training, family involvement, cultural responsiveness, creativity, and consistency, schools can implement comprehensive SEL initiatives preparing students for success. Leverage the latest trends and assessment strategies to make your program as impactful as possible. The research-backed benefits are well worth the investment into purposefully cultivating your students’ social-emotional growth.